Landlord Resources
Hocking Metropolitan Housing Authority working with local landlords and owners is crucial to the successes of the Housing Choice Voucher and the Shelter Plus Care program. To learn more about how to become a landlord in our programs, check out the information and resources provided.
HMHA’s Responsibilities:
Determine family eligibility for Section 8 Program participation.
Approve units and leases.
Review and approve rental amounts for each unit.
Determine family eligibility annually.
Inspect units annually as well as special inspections
Ensure owners and families comply with program rules.
Provide families and owners with prompt, professional service.
Landlord’s Responsibilities:
Comply with Fair Housing laws.
Maintain the housing unit by making necessary repairs.
Comply with the terms of the HAP Contract.
Collect the rent due from the family and comply with and enforce the lease.
If you are interested in learning more about being a landlord that accepts the voucher, please go to HUD.gov for more information.
If you are interested in advertising one or more properties for our clients, please call us at (740)385-3883 or email us the information.